19 ธ.ค. 2554

2PM’s Hwang Chan Sung suffers from its crowded schedule

2PM’s Chan Sung reveals a photo of himself which well reflects that he has recently been leading a busy life.
Early in the morning on December 19, Chan Sung posted a photo on his Twitter page with the comment: “Finally, we’ve finished up our schedule. Oh, no! Hope you all sleep very restfully!”
In the photo revealed, Chan Sung is wearing an exhausted look on his face, up close to the camera. He looks fatigued, but his childlike charm makes him look cute as well.
People who saw the photo left various comments: “Was your schedule just finished at this late time of night?” “It’s very sorry for you! Rush home and take a good rest! I worry about your skin condition.” “The long, exhusting day must have worn you out. How could you manage such a tight schedule every day?”
2PM will complete its Arena tour at Budokan, Tokyo on December 20 and 21.
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