21 ธ.ค. 2554

Kim Tae Hee and Rain dance together: “A perfect match”

A picture of Rain and Kim Tae Hee dancing together has been released and attracting many people’s attention.
On December 20, social commerce website Coupang released a paparazzi photo of Rain and Kim on the set of their commercial.
In the picture, Rain, before he joined the army, and Kim, wearing a red dress, are dancing together.
Especially, their bright smiles and Kim’s beautiful legs, shown under her short skirt, are attracting attention.
Coupang says, “The combination of Rain and Kim Tae Hee is a combination of a comical side and a smart side of two models, who are both top stars and top celebrities. Their images perfectly match with Coupang’s brand image, so we expect the advertising effect to be huge.”
People responded: “They are somehow a perfect match,” “I guess Rain is working hard in the army now,” “They just cleaned up my eyes,” “They catch my eyes.”
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